Post Apocalypse Books – Author Reviewed
The Best Post Apocalyptic Books
Reviewed by the authors that wrote them
Presented below for your consumption is the best post apocalyptic books on Amazon. The reviews are written by the authors and are presented in the order received. The first book is mine, naturally. View my competitors and support them.
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Escape To The Choccolocco Valley By Buck Hunter
Escape to the Choccolocco Valley is not a juvenile book, though the protagonist is a young boy. It’s a unique adventure series. In Jed’s world folks have little understanding of how things used to be. The times are more akin to the roughest sort of pioneer life in very early America. The only infrastructure is what they make (or take) for themselves. By singles, groups, and tribes, the people that inhabit the new world do the best they can. It’s worthwhile reading for fantasy lovers as well as survivalists and preppers. No zombies or space aliens. Rather the best and the worst of humanity. Suggested for those with maturity or 15 and up. It’s violent in places. It is the story of harsh, but promising times. Thoroughly researched and extrapolated, the future which is brilliantly highlighted in the book is as near to reality and realistic as possible. It’s the new pioneer times in what used to be America with all the challenges, love, death, and adventure the reader could wish for. It’s a series with hope that you can really sink your heart into. This the first book in the Survival Apocalypse series, Escape to the Choccolocco Valley is FREE. Escape to the Choccolocco Valley